Sunday, September 10, 2006


Here is a picture of Ethne with pig-tails! She is enjoying her favorite pastime, watching movies of herself. In this home video she is dancing. It is such a cute movie, but I don’t how to save it so you can link to it.

Anyway, I guess we’re born wanting to see ourselves. No one had to teach Ethne that her own movies are her favorite. We also have movies of her cousins, she like them too, but not as much. I’m no different. If ever I see a group picture, which I’m in, I always pay special attention to how I look—for me that determines how good the photograph is.

But as natural as it is to look in the mirror and spend time on our appearance it is equally unnatural to want to take a close look at the inside of ourselves. It’s hard to identify our own faults, difficult to see our own sins. Easy to see how those around us should improve, change and take responsibility, and even easier to blame them without seeing our part in any difficulties.

But Jesus requires what is not natural. He looks past our outward appearance and asks us to examine our hearts and motives. I don’t like this. Pretending is easier, but it isn’t real and it is real deceiving because we can actually think we’re OK when we’re wretched.

The only way I know to see what is actually in my heart is to study God’s Word and see if my life lines up with what He says. This is hard. It is painful. It means I’ve got to let go of all my ideals of who I am and deal with my authentic self. I’m doing this now in one area of my life. I see that I’m falling short and am in need of a Helper, A Rock Higher than I—forgiveness and another chance! “Change me oh God, make me faithful and pleasing and true through and through. Amen.”

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