Saturday, September 16, 2006

A Listening Ear

We had a marriage and family seminar at church this weekend. The speaker did a great job. One of the things he said has struck me. He said that we should ask people questions. It show interest. In restaurants he always asks his server this question. “In a few minutes, we’re going to say the blessing. When we do, how can we pray for you?” Isn’t this a wonderful idea?

I am really bad about asking people questions. One reason is because I don’t want to pry. Often someone will share something quite personal and I’ll wait to see if they share more. But I see now that it is appropriate to at least follow up with a question. This shows I want to know more and that I care.

This seems so basic, doesn’t it? But I think this is the first time it’s made sense to me. I think another reason I don’t ask questions is that I feel more comfortable talking than listening. Ugh. That’s so ugly. Self-focused.

The Word says be quick to listen, slow to speak. I believe one reason the Lord asked me to start writing was so I could begin to think about my words, to look at them, examine them, delete all those that are unnecessary. Maybe I can transfer some of what I’ve learned into verbal communication. Oh I want to be a better listener! “Lord teach me to listen. Please put a guard over my mouth. Help me!”

Do you have a question that you like to ask when you want to encourage someone to talk? If so, what is it?

Blessings, Sue

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