Monday, December 08, 2008

Not lukewarm

Today Aimee and her girls used gingerbread to make . . . dinosaurs, because Ethne liked that shape better. Emeline got some marshmallow cream frosting on her foot and knows better than to waste good food. .

I never know how to dress during this season. Not winter in El Paso, where it’s often in the 70’s, but this season of life known as pre-menopause. I’m either cold trying to warm up or sweltering trying to cool down.
Recently, when I was unzipping my fleece—again—I thought of Jesus’ words in Revelation 3: 15-16 “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
I realized that when I’m hot I’m very busy trying to cool down and when I’m cold I’m making an active attempt to warm up. But when I’m lukewarm, or as ‘Goldilocks put it, “just right,” I don’t do anything. I sit. I’m comfortable, without a care; in fact I guess the word is complacent.
I see in a new way that comfort and ease and prosperity can easily lead to complacency. And that just makes the Lord sick. “Lord please change my heart and make me care about other’s comfort their needs as much as my own. Thank you that you cared enough to leave your place of power and glory to come here, to our place of need. Thank you that you are not lukewarm about anything. Amen.”

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