Sunday, February 11, 2007

Reflections on returning HOME


Of all the memories, I think that taste is perhaps one of the strongest. When I think of San Diego my mouth waters for the Coconut Cream pie from the College Restaurant, but it’s no longer in business. Also, when the kids were little and Craig and I managed a date night we’d pick up burritos at El Indio’s and go up to Mission Park to eat them. The view from there is fabulous and I remember exactly the wonderful taste of those yummy burritos. Recently, on a trip to San Diego, we stopped by El Indio’s, which instead of going out of business has expanded and even added a parking lot across the street. When we went inside, the smells seemed familiar, but still I had my doubts, after all it’s been nearly 30 years. But all doubts vanished when I took that first bite. It tasted exactly as I remembered. With each bite I remarked about this fact, because although I had hoped and longed and wished, I wasn’t sure it could ever be as good as I remembered it to be.

Will the smell of heaven be familiar? When we see the light and hear God’s voice will we suddenly remember what is was like before time began or do our memories only start at our birth in this world? Somehow I think we have a slight knowing of something before and beyond—it’s like a whisper in our soul. When I ‘came to Jesus,’ it was like turning around and understanding that He’d always been there right behind me with His arms wrapped around me, just waiting for the moment when I’d turn and return His embrace. He’s never let me go. It is a safe place. It is home. It is where I belong. And when I leave this temporary world I will be returning to a place I know, where my Father lives. So, I think that maybe the sights, smells, tastes, sounds and feelings will not seem strange or even surprising, but cozy and welcoming and just like returning home again.

1 comment:

Marjorie Vawter said...

Good thoughts, Sue. A subject that is close to my heart right now since Mom went HOME on January 26. A few days before she went she saw heaven. . .and tried to describe it to us. I've written down what she told us. What a blessing! Through her vision, she made heaven so real.

Love you, my friend!