Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The thing about a seminar for survivors of sexual abuse is that most people are embarrassed to attend—even those who would benefit the most.
I’m thinking about the story of the Good Samaritan. He was a man just going about his business when he saw someone who had been stripped, beaten, robbed and left. He didn’t witness the attack, but he saw the results. Most of us are like him. We know someone who has been abused and even though we didn’t see it happen, we can see the results.
Survivors of sexual abuse respond in various ways. Some are so angry that rage defines them. Others struggle with self-destructive behaviors, depression, addictions to alcohol, food, or porn, or they have an aversion to sex or an eating disorders, chronic unexplained pain, cutting or shame. These types of symptoms can often be linked to surviving sexually abuse, but being left alone and never being helped to reach the place of healing.
Chances are you know a survivor of sexual abuse; maybe you are directly affected by the fact that they are still suffering. Will you do as Jesus said and show them mercy? The Good Samaritan didn’t know the stranger that he saw stripped of his clothes, beaten and bleeding, but he decided to get involved. It took time, energy and money but he noticed that wounded person and took him to a safe place where healing could happen.
Let’s not be like the religious people who looked the other way and pretended not to see the person who was just left alone to suffer. No, let’s do all we can to see each wounded one made whole.

Jesus challenges us to move beyond our comfort zone and to notice those in our families, in our pews, in our communities who have been hurt. Let’s not leave them alone; let’s figure out how to help them. Please consider joining us for the Help4Survivors seminar.