Sunday, August 29, 2010

Life View

I have been very blessed with new friends, stopping in to view my ramblings and then leaving a comment. Thank you to all of you.

We spent last weekend in Chicago. We rode the ‘L’ to the airport to catch our flight home. It was packed and I felt grateful to find a vacant seat. Poor Craig had to stand in the isle with our large suitcase for most of the trip.
I sat on the side of the train with seats that faced backward. As went, the young woman in front of me spoke to her mother, who sat next to me. “I don’t like that I can’t see where I’m going.”
Wow, I thought, life is like this. We can only see where we’ve been not where we’re going. And really it’s a blessing not to fully know what a day, or year may bring. And, what a comfort to know the One who is outside of time and to know He loves us and is holding us in His hand.

“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” Ps. 139:16
Now that is wonderful. First God is writing a book (and I’m in it, so are you, so are the details of every single day of our lives.) All recorded. All known by the one who has been where we are going. “Thank you Lord, for that wonderful, comforting truth.”

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Two Important Things to Remember

Em Sings
Originally uploaded by grammysmc
Em learned this song at backyard, VBS. The words are, "Don't read your Bible, forget to pray and you shrink, shrink, shrink. Read your Bible, pray everyday and you grow, grow grow." True and good to remember if we hope to keep growing spiritually. Blessings to all, sue