If you’re married, marriage matters to you, at least your marriage matters. It seems like there are so many people who are unhappily married, yet at the very core of who we are we long for and seek after a life-long loving relationship. I guess that’s why divorce isn’t much of a deterrent to remarriage. But marriage isn’t about finding the right person, it’s about being the right person.
It’s human nature to pass the buck and blame others for anything and everything in our life that goes wrong or is wrong. Just notice how quickly and easily we excuse or explain ourselves when confronted. From, “Well, I was low on gas,” to “If you would have called to remind me. . .” Self-protection is easy and taking personal responsibility is not. But in the end each one of us will answer for our own choices.
I think I’ll post some Blogs about marriage as I see it revealed in the Scriptures. How it is meant to be. Especially how wives are to operate in relation to their husbands. I’ve been married 30 years, my hair is silver so I may have something to offer you but only if you decide to be open and teachable, and allow the Lord to speak to you, not about how your husband could improve, but about how you’re doing. How good of a wife are you? One way to measure this is to ask, “How happy is my husband?”